Tuesday, May 1, 2012

All Smiles

Well, fuck me. How are you guys doing? Oh, me? I'm just getting over being ABDUCTED BY A SEEMINGLY SUPERNATURAL HAPPY ASSHAT. Wanna know how it went? Wanna know what he made me do? Wanna hear how miserable it was? TOO BAD. I can hardly remember anything. All I can remember is a smile shrouded in darkness, which seems to be from some dream I had. Oh, and more than a week of agonizing pain. I remember that too. It really all seemed to hit me when I woke up im my bed with everything immaculately clean and neat. Everything was eerily nice, except for a strange weight I felt on my forehead. I decided to Get up, being cautious not to ruin the hard work someone had done on my house. When I walked out of my room I discovered, in fact, it was not my whole house. Every part of my house besides my room was covered in dirt, turned over furniture, broken lamps, and blood. Lots of blood. But my whole room, even the outside of my door and the door frame were sparkling clean. But the thing i found the most strange was that even when I got up, the strange weight on my forehead, which i figured would be a note or something, had not left. I decided to look in a mirror which of course led me to the bathroom. What I saw was...not to my liking. On my forehead, in the neatest handwriting I had seen in blood, was a nice little message. "APPROVED :)". After my initial shock I got up from my fetal position on the floor and looked around. I saw a not on the counter. What a shocker.

"A clue will be found in a forest, but you'll have to go somewhere new.
If you don't solve our riddle, you'll be happy through and through

So, do with that what you will. I think I need some advice. My mom wasn't here when I woke up and she still hasn't gotten back. Before I do anything, I'll try to find her. I'll search for some forests in Portland and start with the one closest to me. But tell me, should I go? I don't know if I should trust this at all.



  1. If you really want to go, you should bring someone with you. Lie to them if you have to, but bring someone along.

    Pack a camera. And any sort of weaponry. Rations.

    If you're totally alone, from my experience with a friend Bennet... No. Stay put. It's safer that way, until you find a definite clue, because I bet you 10 bucks whoever that got you will entice you again if you stay dormant.

  2. I agree with Lucy.
    If you don't go he'll just mess with you some more.
    Have you tried talking to that Sect thing? They seem to think you're some big shot. Maybe they'll send back-up?

  3. I'm glad you're back. Please be careful if you do go to the forest.
